Alex Foden


  • British Weightlifting Coach Level 2

  • British Weightlifting Technical Officials Level 2


About me:

I literally fell in to strength sports in my early 20s after a fall took me out of the climbing gym. I wanted to get moving again, so I tried lifting weights and it was love from the first squat. From there, I started training for powerlifting (squat, bench & deadlift), which I competed in up to a national level. Alongside powerlifting, I have also competed in strongwoman and weightlifting, and played a range of sports from underwater hockey to rugby.

In 2019, I took what was intended to be a short break from lifting while my time was stretched on a busy project at work. The plan was always to come back but I struggled to consistently get back in the gym until I joined CSC in early 2022. After almost 3 years away I was nervous, but the team and community at CSC make me feel welcome from day 1. It was this community that made me feel confident enough to finally pursue coaching, something I've dreamed of doing for a long time.

In many ways, coaching weightlifting is like my day job as an engineer. Making technical assessments of lifts and applying adjustments to see what works best is really just engineering at its core. But, it's the personal element of coaching I love, seeing someone's face light up when a technical adjustment clicks, or watching someone's technique progress week after week.

Although I am only at the start of my coaching journey, I am so grateful for the opportunity to share something I'm passionate about with the amazing people at CSC. I hope you see you on one of the weightlifting classes soon! 🏋️‍♀️