Team CSC Newsletter - March 2024

Member of the Month - Lucy Muir

Since joining us at Central Staffs Crossfit, Lucy has always proved to be a dedicated member of the gym and consistently attends her morning sessions. Not only is Lucy super dedicated, but is always positive when in the gym and is well receiving of the coaches queues and help, she will always listen and take things on board.

She has been noticed by coaches recently for gaining some new skills which she has been working hard on, such as Toes to Bar, Rope Climbs and Kipping Handstand Push Ups. We know she is still working hard in the background on other things such as double unders and her olympic weightlifting movements.

Lucy is never shy to push herself in areas that she knows are her weakness - for example, she will opt to pick the bike for WODs as this is where she struggles most and hates the bike (most people are team bike over skierg, but not our Lucy!).

Well done on all of your progress so far Lucy and we can’t wait to see where another 12 months gets you with your hard work and dedication!

💪Friday Night Lights at CSC! 💪

Our first Friday Night Lights was a huge success last weekend, thank you all for coming and leaving it all on the floor for the first WOD of this years’ open season! We can’t wait to do it all over again this weekend and the one following! Not signed up for this years open? No problem! Come along as a spectator and soak up the awesome atmosphere with us!

A quick reminder, the slot that you book on Boxmate for Friday Night Lights will be the time that your heat starts, so come a little earlier to get yourselves properly warmed up and ready to go!

☀️Summer Throwdown 2024! ☀️

Seeing as the mornings and evenings are getting brighter, lets start thinking ahead to summer! We have scheduled our summer in-house competition which will be taking place on Saturday 17th August. This will be a same sex triplet comp and you’ll be put into teams once the seeding workouts have been completed (more info to come). Get your space booked early to secure your spot, just click the link below!

🗺️ Charity Walk 🗺️

The team are busy planning our next charity hike in aid of our charity partners, BTG. Whilst the finer details are still being ironed out, we wanted to give you a heads up that this will be happening on the 18th May, so pop the date in the diary and look out for more details in next months newsletter!

🏋️ CSC and British Weightlifting 🏋️

We are proud to be hosting the Spring Open for British Weightlifting on the 7th April. You’re all welcome to come down and spectate during the day, or if you’re able, we are super grateful of volunteers to support with weigh-ins and bar loading. If you can help, speak to Alex or Tim, or drop a message to

Women’s Health Seminar

On Saturday 20th April, Sky (@skyelizabethnutrition) will be coming to CSC to provide a seminar focusing on topics specific to women’s health including the menstrual cycle and menopause. The information she shares and discussions held will relate to CrossFit and your training journey, as Sky is a CrossFit coach herself. Alongside her coaching role, Sky is a qualified nutritionist and utilises 9 years of experience coaching women to improve their relationships with food, exercise and themselves. Please check out her instagram page using the handle mentioned above and use the link below to book your spot on the seminar. This is not one to miss so please invite friends and family along too!

March 1RMs and Benchmarks

06/03 - Overhead Squat

Benchmark WODs:
04/03 - Fran
22/03 - Helen


Team CSC Newsletter - April 2024


Team CSC Newsletter - February 2024